About this Movement

NI Movement is an intellectual movement that focuses on human brain and its power of intelligence.

All of us are running in the flow of life as we were born, grew up, got education, worked and saved money. No one here has time to even think about why all this is happening. When such a question comes to us, half the days of our life would have passed. There are many crores of people who have lived their lives without this question even appeared. Do even animals and birds have questions and doubts about life? Who knows…? Even animals and birds are on the move for their food and survival. With the little educational knowledge we have, we earn money and fulfill our luxuries beyond food.

Does life end here? Is this the maximum that humans can think? If so, all people in the world should live the same? Why are few rich and mostly poor? Why are some people intelligent and others not? Where does so much variation come from within a single species of humans? Could it be because of the climate, food, lifestyle, culture etc. in the respective countries? But no matter how one lives, one day they die. When we think of this, we remember the philosophy of who takes what when they leave the earth. But there are many evidences and documents that many sages, mystics, Siddhas, Sufi, Buddhist, and Jain monks who lived in this world lived for many years and finally attained enlightenment and attained the state of God.

Wouldn’t it also be appropriate to say that an action or thing is false because we cannot perceive or see it? Therefore, it is necessary for us to consider this.

So if all the people in this world are operating in a different way then what is driving all these people? What drives talent? What drives healthy people? What drives wise men? What drives the poor? What drives those who live happily and those who languish in misery?

If we know what drives us and understand how it drives us, we can easily figure out how to bring it under our control.

If we properly understand that “our life is in our hands”, we can travel happily no matter how far it takes. Keep traveling with Natural Intelligence Movement to explore more about our brain and its capacity. Let’s discover the tool that is running our lives without our knowledge.

About Me

I am Chithra Rajasekaran , a passionate writer and an orator. My interest is always towards finding the mysteries of life that drives human being. with my gained knowledge from various religious books i always try to relate science with spirituality. Also i am doing research to bring out many hidden truths from vedas , upanishads and siddhars, literature for the society. At present i am writing a book on Human brain and its hidden capacities .

The Crew

This is a group that strives to rise to a higher position in life by rising to natural Intelligence.

Our Philosophy

Nature is God. Natural intelligence is what elevates human beings. Artificial intelligence should be under the control of human beings.


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